February 7, 2007
We are pleased to inform you that the 4th Tender Auction on Panel (hereinafter called tender auction) will be held during the period of time specified below by the TADANO USED CRANE ASSOCIATION (TUCA).
In this relation, though the tender auction participation right (bidding right) has so far been "limited to TUCA members only", we recently revised the pertinent TUCA Rules so that "any customers who are recommended by a TUCA member" can participate in the tender auction. General used-equipment dealers may also participate in the tender auction subject to "tender bond being deposited."
Therefore, those who wish to participate in the tender auction are encouraged to obtain the bidding right after perusal of the attached papers ;
* About Tadano Used Crane Association (TUCA)
TUCA is composed of special agents who cooperate with TADANO in promoting the sales of its (Used Cranes), and TADANO associated companies who are engaged in this area of business. TUCA started operations in 1973 under the name "TADANO Used Crane Sales Cooperation Association", and changed the name to "TUCA" in 1988 where 37 companies join at present.
(1)Schedules (Japan Time)
Tender auction data display period on the Internet: | From February 12(Mon) to February 19(Mon), 2007 |
* Access Address: http://www.i-navi.co.jp/uc/auction/uc_auction-e.asp | |
Tender auction period (date & time) | starting at 9 a.m. on February 12 (Mon) and ending at 5 p.m. on February 19 (Mon), 2007 |
* Facsimile to: +81-3-3621-7757 | |
Bid price count: | February 20 (Tue), 2007 |
* Results of bid: Bidders will be informed. |
(2) Qualifications for participating in the tender auction and matters that require attention
i) TUCA members and those companies duly recommended by a member of TUCA are entitled to participate in the tender auction.
ii) However, anyone who wishes to join the tender auction, though not qualified yet, may have the bidding right subject to bond being deposited.
iii)Tender auction applications shall be made by filling out the "designated form" and sent by "facsimile".
iv)Any applications other than by the designated form and facsimile number will not be accepted.
v)A participant can bid any number of times during auction period, but not to decrease the previous bid price and not to cancel your bid.
vi)Auction tender applications will be accepted during the date and time in Japan Time as specified in (1) above.
* Finally, prior to your participation in the tender auction, you are requested to kindly read and understand the attached Tender Auction Rules and observe the said Rules.
1.List of TUCA Members (27KB)
2.Rules of Second Tender Auction held by TUCA (64KB)
3.Bid Form for Tender Auction (38KB)