(November 8, 2013)
Sales | Operating Income | Net Income | |
Second quarter period ended September 30, 2013 | 86,754 (38.9%) | 10,313 (142.2%) | 7,359 (235.9%) |
Second quarter period ended September 30, 2012 | 62,462 (23.9%) | 4,257 (94.1%) | 2,190 (93.6%) |
Notes: Listed values less than one million yen are rounded off.
Percentage figures represent comparisons to the first quarter period of the previous fiscal year.
Sales | Operating Income | Net Income | |
Full year term | 175,000 (29.8%) | 19,200 (75.7%) | 12,000 (63.5%) |
Note: Percentage figures represent comparisons to the same period of the previous fiscal year.
Explanation concerning appropriate use of result forecasts and other matters of note:
The projections above are based on certain premises derived from information that has been available as of the day this material was released. The actual results may materially differ from the forecasts as a result of various unforeseen factors that may arise.
The Japanese economy recovered steadily during the consolidated cumulative second quarter under review. A weaker yen led to rebounding exports, increased production, and improved corporate earnings. Personal consumption remained steady, as well. While the U.S. economy maintained its course of recovery and the European economy showed no further declines, some emerging markets showed signs of slowing economic activity.
Within our industry, increasing utilization rates in the Japanese market related to earthquake recovery and restoration efforts stimulated both new demand and demand to replace aging equipment. Overseas, demand increased in North America, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and other markets, driven primarily by demand in sectors related to energy and infrastructure.
Boosted by growth in sales of Mobile Cranes, Loader Cranes, and Aerial Work Platforms altogether, our sales in the Japanese market grew to 37,130 million yen, up 17.3% from the same period of the previous fiscal year. A weaker yen and powerful demand in certain regions pushed overseas sales to 49,623 million yen, up 61.0% from the same period of the previous fiscal year. As a result, total sales climbed to 86,754 million yen, up 38.9% from the same period of the previous fiscal year. Overseas sales accounted for 57.2% of all sales.
Various factors, including efforts to resume appropriate prices, a weaker yen, and improved operating ratios, resulted in operating income of 10,313 million yen, up 142.2% from the same period of the previous fiscal year. Net income for the quarter totaled 7,359 million yen, up 235.9% from the same period of the previous fiscal year.
Due to the above factors and conditions, revenues and income have increased for three consecutive years. The company set a new high for interim period income.
For details, kindly refer to our Financial Explanatory Material.