(August 7, 2013)
Sales | Operating Income | Net Income | |
First quarter period ended June 30, 2013 | 38,114(35.0%) | 4,682(147.0%) | 3,971(532.8)% |
First quarter period ended June 30, 2012 | 28,240(44.1%) | 1,895(-) | 627(-) |
Notes: Listed values less than one million yen are rounded off.
Percentage figures represent comparisons to the previous first quarter.
Sales | Operating Income | Net Income | |
Full year term | 155,000(15.0%) | 15,500(41.9%) | 9,500(29.4%) |
Note: Percentage figures represent comparisons to the previous first quarter.
Explanation concerning appropriate use of result forecast and other matters of note:
The projection above is based on certain premises derived from information that has been available as of the day this material was released. The actual results may materially differ from the forecast as a result of various unforeseen factors that may arise.
During the consolidated cumulative first quarter under review, several factors helped generate steady recovery in the Japanese economy, including a modest increase in personal consumption. Yen devaluation and rising stock prices helped restore exports, increasing production and strengthening corporate revenues. While the United States economy trended toward recovery, the European economy remained sluggish. The economies of China and other emerging markets showed signs of slowing.
In our industry, rising utilization rates related to Great Tohoku Earthquake recovery and restoration efforts boosted scheduled equipment replacement in Japan. Overseas demand grew in North America, Southeast Asia, Middle East, and other markets, primarily in sectors related to energy and infrastructure.
Sales of Mobile Cranes fell due to migration to products compatible with new emissions restrictions. Nevertheless, domestic sales rose to 13,950 million yen, up 7.5 percentage points compared with the previous first quarter, driven by growing sales of Truck Loader Cranes and Aerial Work Platforms. Boosted by rising demand and a weakening yen, overseas sales rose to 24,163 million yen, up 58.3 percentage points compared with the previous first quarter. Total sales rose to 38,114 million yen, up 35.0 percentage points compared with the previous first quarter. The ratio of overseas sales to total sales was 63.4%.
Efforts to ensure appropriate pricing and an increase in gross profits attributable to factors such as the weakening yen and improved operating ratios resulted in operating income of 4,682 million yen, up 47.0 percentage points compared with the previous first quarter. Net income for the quarter totaled 3,971 million yen, up 432.8 percentage points compared with the previous first quarter.
For details, kindly refer to our Financial Explanatory Material.