
Consolidated Financial Statements for the Three Quarter Period Ended December 31, 2005

1. Consolidated business results for the three quarter period from April 1, 2005 to December 31, 2005:

Unit: Millions of yen
  Sales Operating Income Net Income
Three quarter period ended December 31, 2005 86,392 (18.6%) 6,287 (58.8%) 4,191 (51.2%)
Full year term ended March 31, 2005 
(for reference)
101,846 5,245 3,877

Note: Listed values less than one million yen are rounded off. 
Percentage indications of sales, operating income and net income show the ratio of increase or decrease respectively as compared with the same period of the previous year.

2. Outlook of business performance for the fiscal year from April 1, 2005 to March 31, 2006:

  Sales Operating Income Net Income
Full year term 116,000 8,200 5,300

Note: Listed values less than one million yen are rounded off.

Forward-looking statements contained in this report are based on the best judgments of the Tadano Group as of the date of this report. No modification has been made to the annual financial forecasts for the full year term announced on November 2005.

3. Outline for the three quarter period of fiscal year 2006:

In the domestic market, sales of construction cranes grew steadily due to improved replacement demand, and sales of both truck loader cranes and aerial work platforms increased against the backdrop of regained capital investment in the private sector.

As a result, domestic sales rose to 53,658 million yen or up 7.6% compared with the same period of the previous year.

In overseas markets, sales increased 42.3% to 32,733 million yen due mainly to a substantial increase in sales of construction cranes for Europe and North America.

As a result, total sales for the three quarter period of this fiscal year posted 86,392 million yen, a 18.6% rise compared with the same period of the previous year, and net income posted 4,191 million yen (up 51.2%) due to sales increase despite partially declined production efficiency caused by a deteriorated procurement environment.
